Use "quasar|quasars" in a sentence

1. Bum rushed: Directed by Mike Quasar

2. Which came first, the quasar or the galaxy?

3. The fuzzy object near top quasar image is the foreground galaxy.

4. A radio galaxy is related to, but appears larger than, a quasar.

5. By December the quasar should be distinguishable in the night sky.

6. Within a few million years, quasar and galaxy will have merged.

7. Therefore , quasar absorption lines cosmological probes of formation and evolution of galaxies.

8. 22 By December the quasar should be distinguishable in the night sky.

9. They do so by combining quasar spectra with numerical simulations of structure formation.

10. It seems inescapable that two images of a single quasar have been observed.

11. Solar Wings of Wiltshire were given the award for their plane the Quasar.

12. Active galaxies that emit shorter frequency, high-energy radiation include Seyfert galaxies, Quasars, and Blazars.

13. The Eddington limit is invoked to explain the observed luminosity of accreting black holes such as quasars.

14. Other applications: luminous blue variables (LBVs), AGNs and quasar line systems; interstellar medium; accretion disks.

15. Astronomers hope to use a quasar as a "flashlight" to see into the universe's dark past The powerful radio jets of a distant quasar can show us the universe as it existed 13 billion years ago

16. Either way it is a unique object and will shed light on how galaxies and quasars form.

17. Quasars have red shifts ranging up to making them the most distant distinct sources so far detected.

18. Intense searches have revealed no optical or other signal from the partner, nor does it eclipse the quasar.

19. Quasars are the furthest active galaxies, some of them being observed at distances 12 billion light years away.

20. A quasar consists of a supermassive black hole surrounded a dusty doughnut - shaped cloud that feeds it.

21. The quasar pair UM673A and UM673B both have red shifts of 72 and are separated by 2 arcsec.

22. Feb 22, 2021: Astrophysicists propose that all high-energy cosmic neutrinos are born by quasars (Nanowerk News) Scientists of the P

23. This effect was initially confirmed by observing the light of stars or distant quasars being deflected as it passes the Sun.

24. Lines may also be observed in absorption—for example the highly redshifted lines seen against the gravitationally lensed quasar PKS1830-211.

25. It was not until 1979 that this effect was confirmed by observation of the so-called "Twin Quasar" Q0957+561.

26. We needed high-precision laboratory measurements against which to compare the quasar spectra, so we persuaded experimenters to undertake them.

27. It is proposed that some, perhaps most, gamma-ray Bursters are at cosmological distances, like quasars, with a redshift of about 1 or 2

28. The Lyman-alpha absorption lines in the quasar spectra result from intergalactic gas through which the galaxy or quasar's light has traveled.

29. In particular, the analysis of Lyman-alpha lines in quasar spectra allowed them to measure the 1D flux power spectrum that is related to the 3D matter distribution.

30. As a quasar, TON 618 is believed to be an accretion disc of intensely hot gas swirling around a giant black hole in the centre of a galaxy.

31. Astronomers working on the EU-funded MINE BOSS (Mining for metals in a massive spectroscopic survey of the intergalactic medium) project employed quasars to measure baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs).

32. The oldest quasars (z > 4) display a Gunn-Peterson trough and clearly have absorption regions in front of them indicating that the intergalactic medium at that time was neutral gas.

33. The Chandra X-ray image (in blue) shows hot gas in the galaxy and point sources that are a mixture of objects within the Sombrero as well as quasars in the background.

34. Applying the simulation pipeline to the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) transient survey, an ongoing Cadenced survey, we generated HSC-like difference images of the mock lensed quasars from the lens catalog of Oguri & Marshall (2010, MNRAS, 405, 2579)

35. She was known as Ayesha has taken over Captain Marvel mantle in the future Earth-691 (Guardians of the Galaxy) Stakar was born to the superheroes Quasar and Kismet in the Guardians of the Galaxy

36. These quasar jets are formed when electrons emitted from a black hole impact with cosmic background radiation left by the big bang, giving astronomers clues about the conditions in the early universe.

37. In future, when Sgr A* Accretes a star including neutron star daily (or yearly for a large star), an active galactic nucleus (AGN) or quasar will form or is born in our galaxy

38. This proposition requires a release of supernova-like energy of about 10 to the 51st ergs within less than 1 s, making gamma-ray Bursters the brightest objects known in the universe, many orders of magnitude brighter than any quasars.

39. Bloodlust As of when it was released (February 20, 2018) this is the name of the hardest mega collaboration level in the game "Geometry dash", made by Quasar, Manix648, Xaro, Terron, Willy5000, Panman30, Havok, Namtar, Wabbit, NikroPlays, RealGoldenDash, …

40. Audio/Video Quality: Bum rushed 2 was presented in a visually appealing anamorphic widescreen color using an aspect ratio of 1.78:1 as shot by director Mike Quasar for Third Degree Films using the MPEG-2 codec employed by standard definition releases with a 480 resolution

41. What is Astrophysics?Lehigh’s undergraduate major in Astrophysics is designed for students who wish to go on to graduate studies in the subject, with the goal of becoming professional astronomers.Astrophysicists apply physics and mathematics to the study of planets, stars, galaxies, pulsars, black holes, quasars and the universe, among many other fascinating objects, in order to …

42. ‘His interests range from Astrophysics and quantum mechanics to mathematical puzzles and games.’ ‘A team of astronomers might have solved one of the mysteries of Astrophysics with the discovery of a clutch of quasars, hiding behind clouds of dust.’ ‘The South Building, built from 1891 to 1899, was an Astrophysics observatory.’